Jian Ming ZHU: The Vision Between Us

1 episode in total. (Duration: 20 minutes)

Have you a vision-welled person ever imagine what the world is like to the visually impaired? This program The Vision Between Us will broadcast answers of interviews with visually impaired people and the vision-welled. We can only distinguish the oral descriptions of experience and imagination told by the both groups through the hearing sense that we only shared. The distinction between the visually impaired and the vision-welled will be blurred. Can we really tell the difference or distinguish a lack of visual experience? Perhaps, when prejudice is softly put down, what we see on what they see is just ordinary in varied ways as it should be.

Jian Ming ZHU

Born in 1991, working in international trade with a biomedical background, I am looking for a meaning of life not defined by job and daily routine, on a way trying to think for others. Currently working as a volunteer to record audiobooks for Taiwan Foundation for the Blind and relentlessly developing skills to be helpful to others. The recent work of audiobook is〈愈難賣,愈要說故事〉.